22 Jan Cheap 1296 MHz Antennas
Here are two cheap 1296 MHz Antennas - well one is a lot cheaper than the other. There is no comparison in cost when it comes to building your own from available parts....
Here are two cheap 1296 MHz Antennas - well one is a lot cheaper than the other. There is no comparison in cost when it comes to building your own from available parts....
The new Icom IC-905 VHF to 10 GHz amateur radio from a microwave enthusiast's point of view. Home station or portable? Well, it's microwave!...
One of the best things about our wonderful hobby of amateur radio is going portable, especially 10 GHz portable. When your passion is microwave, getting up on top of a hill is even more motivational. ...
What if you want to use a different microphone with your IC-705? Here's an 8 pin mic adapter - a circuit that does the job, but it does have its shortcomings. Maybe that's why Icom doesn't have an optional cable....
Icom Icons for the sound control panel. Download. Keep your PC clearly labelled with Icom Icons for your sound control panel....
FT8 on Icom's IC-705 is good fun. Setting up a USB is straight forward but operating wirelessly takes a little more preparation....
If you’re interested in tropospheric propagation, Autumn in the southern states of Australia is one of the best times to get on the bands....
WSPR stands for "Weak Signal Propagation Reporter"… a protocol used for weak-signal radio communication between amateur radio stations. It’s fully automated and reports to the WSPRnet.org server in real-time....
Working VHF DX is a lot of fun, but it can be challenging. I’ll show you the tools I use to work VHF from -20 to 40 over....
I recently came across Alan's (VK3DXE) post about The VHF/UHF DX Book. He reminded me about how much of an invaluable resource it is. It's now available online as a PDF....