What is Digital Amateur Radio?
D-STAR, DMR and C4FM are common digital modes used in amateur radio globally today, and here in Australia too. This technology is on the rise, but which one do you choose, or is it a mix of all three? Read on.
DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) is an international standard for digital radios that has been in use since 2005. With thousands of amateur repeaters already on the air globally, the DMR infrastructure is well established and is on pace to surpass D-STAR and System Fusion.
D-STAR was the first digital system specifically designed for Amateur Radio and was developed in the late 1990s by the Japan Amateur Radio League D-STAR also provides specifications for network connectivity, enabling D-STAR radios to be connected to the Internet or other networks, allowing streams of voice or packet data to be routed via amateur radio. Today, both Icom ( such as the IC-9700 and IC-705) and Kenwood make D-STAR radio equipment.