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Do you contest with the IC-705? The Icom IC-705 is a relatively new radio when it comes to OmniRig. So new in fact that I had to rewrite an IC-9700 ini file so that the Omnirig software would see the IC-705 which it now does....

Icom's IC-705 is a versatile portable radio. It's a modern amateur radio transceiver that has built-in WiFi. Many radio amateurs like to push the bounds of technology and this radio certainly makes it easy. Check out the M5Stack options for the IC-705...

If you enjoy SOTA, parks, microwave or radio in the great outdoors, then this is the radio for you. Having received great accolades, and a long list of positives, some might say there’s one thing missing on the IC-705 and that’s the 23cm band....