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10 GHz portable over 150km

10 GHz portable over 150km

Last Updated on April 22, 2022

One of the best things about our wonderful hobby of amateur radio is going portable. Just getting out of the shack and finding your way to the beach or a mountain top can make for a great day out. When your passion is microwave, getting up on top of a hill is even more motivational. Trying to find a hill that has minimal foliage can be a challenge but as you’ll see in the video, we did. Having checked the weather for the day a few days prior, it was decided that the weekend was the day to go portable.

The video in this blog post is about just that. It’s a record of event where 3 stations went portable on April 9 2022. The motivation for Rob, Heath and I was a personal best on the 10 GHz band as well as the opportunity to get out of the shack before winter. For Gavin, any excuse to use 10 GHz is good.

Picture of 10 GHz and 3.4 GHz setup in the back of the VK3FS car.
10 GHz and 3.4 GHz setup in the back of the VK3FS car.

Rob VK3KRD and Heath VK3TWO found their way to Mount Macedon, Gavin VK3HY went to Johns Hill Reserve in the Dandenongs, and I went to Krowera lookout in the Strezleki ranges to the southeast of Melbourne. The path was 151km.

Image of Mt Macedon to Krowera microwave path showing the location of VK3KRD, VK3TWO, Vk3HY and VK3FS
Mt Macedon to Krowera microwave path showing the location of VK3KRD, VK3TWO, Vk3HY and VK3FS

Rob was keen to try out his 10 GHz horns from the roof of his car and compare them to his prime focus dish. Both Rob VK3KRD and I have Kuhne transverters, but Rob also has a homebrew transceiver that he’s built from scratch. We also took some 23 and 9cm gear too.

Rob VK3KRD setting up Horn on car roof
Rob VK3KRD setting up Horn on car roof

All in all, a very successful day and a lot of fun. The next adventure will be 250km, so keep an eye out for that video in the coming months.

Getting started in amateur microwave can be a little daunting, but there’s always a local close by that help. There’s even a video you can watch as a starter. Microwave activity is quite high during contests in VK, especially the VHF UHF contest.

Picture of Rob VK3KRD's 10 GHz setup at Mt Macedon April 9 2022
Rob VK3KRD's 10 GHz setup at Mt Macedon April 9 2022
Picture of VK3HY 10 GHz portable at Johns Hill April 9 2022
VK3HY 10 GHz portable at Johns Hill April 9 2022
Image of VK3FS 10 GHz portable at Krowera April 9 2022
VK3FS 10 GHz portable at Krowera April 9 2022
View from Krowera lookout
The view from the Krowera or Loch Wonthaggi lookout. Even if you're not into radio, it's worth making the journey to check out the view.