22 Jan Cheap 1296 MHz Antennas
Here are two cheap 1296 MHz Antennas - well one is a lot cheaper than the other. There is no comparison in cost when it comes to building your own from available parts....
Here are two cheap 1296 MHz Antennas - well one is a lot cheaper than the other. There is no comparison in cost when it comes to building your own from available parts....
Converting a latching coaxial relay to failsafe behaviour is is ideal for a TX RX coaxial changeover relay. This circuit will show you how....
If you enjoy SOTA, parks, microwave or radio in the great outdoors, then this is the radio for you. Having received great accolades, and a long list of positives, some might say there’s one thing missing on the IC-705 and that’s the 23cm band....
#MAD Microwave Activity Day February 2020...
#MAD Microwave Activity Day February 2020...