06 Aug External Frequency Reference for Microwave applications
GPSDOs for external frequency reference for microwave applications are a good idea, especially for weak signal QSO as well as Q65 contact....
GPSDOs for external frequency reference for microwave applications are a good idea, especially for weak signal QSO as well as Q65 contact....
The new Icom IC-905 VHF to 10 GHz amateur radio from a microwave enthusiast's point of view. Home station or portable? Well, it's microwave!...
One of the best things about our wonderful hobby of amateur radio is going portable, especially 10 GHz portable. When your passion is microwave, getting up on top of a hill is even more motivational. ...
Converting a latching coaxial relay to failsafe behaviour is is ideal for a TX RX coaxial changeover relay. This circuit will show you how....
On February 24 2021, Robert VK3KRD, Neil VK3BCU and I (VK3FS) headed out portable to try and work 10 GHz between Mt Kororoit and Mt Martha - a path of 77km....
#MAD Microwave Activity Day February 2020...
#MAD Microwave Activity Day February 2020...