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#MAD Microwave Activity Day March 2020

VK3FS MAD March 8 2020 car setup

#MAD Microwave Activity Day March 2020

Last Updated on March 20, 2024

The #MAD Microwave Activity Day March 2020

Last Updated on March 20, 2024

Learn more about Microwave Activity Days

The March 2020 Microwave Activity Day was held on Sunday the 8th. In Mount Martha, it was a little windy, with a top of about 20C, but the sun still had some kick in it as we leave summer behind and head into autumn. Today was just 2.4GHz and 3.4GHz. Fresh from the February MAD only a few weeks ago, I headed back to the Mount Martha Vantage Point to try out the recently acquired 3.4GHz transverter for a test run before the 2PM start. Thanks to Robert VK3KRD, Neil VK3BCU, and Rob VK3IE, the new transverter running about 2w into an 18dBi panel, worked very well. Between the gap in the trees is a line-of-sight path to Melbourne.

3FS MAD March 8 2020 Morning setup at MM vantage point

MAD March 8 2020 Morning setup at Mount Martha Vantage Point

Here’s a clip of clip of a QSO between Robert VK3KRD in Glenroy and me some 70 odd km away.

Have proved everything was working, I headed back home in preparation for the 2pm Start at a slightly different location – about 200m down the hill with uninterrupted views from the Bellarine Peninsula through to Melbourne. The photo below is about 100m ASL. If you look closely that’s Melbourne on the horizon on the right-hand side of the frame.

Mount Martha view to the Bellarine Peninsula (L) to Melbourne (R)

Mount Martha view to the Bellarine Peninsula (L) to Melbourne (R)


Afternoon Activity

There were quite a few stations about on both 2.4GHz and 3.4GHz along with 1296 although I didn’t have that band. 10Ghz was not an option despite Rob VK3MQ making the effort. Peter VK3APW had music festival plans at Port Fairy. Anyway, form my new location overlooking the bay…

VK3BDL, Mike in Black Rock was 5&9 both on 2.4 and 3.4, in fact slightly stronger on 3.4GHz.
VK3KRD, Rob in Glenroy was 5&9+ on both bands and very strong on 2.4GHz
VK3AXH, Ian at Mt Buninyong near Ballarat was 5&9 on 3.4 and 5&5 on 2.4GHz
VK3MQ, Rob on Mt Dandenong was 5&0 on 3.4 but 5&8 on 2.4GHz
VK3HY, Gavan who was also on Mt Dandenong was 5&0 on 3.4GHz
VK3BCU, Neil who is near VK3KRD was 5&0 on 2.5 and 4@0 on 3.4GHz
VK3ALB, Lou on the Bellarine Peninsula was 5&5 on 3.4 but QSY’d before I got a chance to work him.
VK3IE, Rob in St Albans was giving his SDR a run for its money giving RX reports on 439MHz

There were others but they were the main protagonists I could hear from Mount Martha. All in all a great day was had by all who participated.

Here are a couple of contacts made on the day with Robert VK3KRD, Ian, VK3AXH, Mike VK3BDL and Gavin VK3HY.

All the signals were Q5 some very strong some not. My location was the Mt Martha Vantage Point. This was shot on an iPhone in one hand and a mic in the other, It’s tricky when you’re one up. Best contact distance-wise was with Ian VK3AXH on 3.4GHz over 118km

Here’s a map of my location on the day. I was running an APRS transponder on the day and this image is from

VK3FS Mount Martha Microwave Activity Day March 2020 Map

VK3FS Mount Martha Microwave Activity Day March 2020 Map


Looking North to Melbourne CBD

Looking North to Melbourne CBD

Lou VK3ALB was out and about. Here is a video he posted on a contact he had with Ian VK3AXH.

Here’s a 2.4 GHz transmission with Neil VK3BCU and Robber VK3KRD

So until the next Microwave Activity Day…