
A place for things that pique ones interest

This is a place of thought and reflection for all sorts of curiosities that have come across my web browser over the course of time. The topics could be broad, and most likely will be, however, they will normally be of a technical nature.

The ionosphere is a layer of Earth's atmosphere 60 to 1,000 km above the planet. Ionised by solar radiation it can reflect radio...

A simple latching coaxial relay switching circuit and PCB for amateur radio microwave use driven by +12v from a sequencer or transverter....

The new 5.7 GHz 10w PA from SG Lab is a well-priced power amplifier for the 6cm amateur band. Great for going to...

Do you contest with the IC-705? The Icom IC-705 is a relatively new radio when it comes to OmniRig. So new in fact...

Here are two cheap 1296 MHz Antennas - well one is a lot cheaper than the other. There is no comparison in cost...

There are two types – one you can’t do much about such as power line interference and the neighbour’s solar installation, and one...